Wednesday, November 24, 2010

soo sooryy happiest thing ever

soryy sesgt..readers, belog happiest thing ever nii da x kan aktif mcm dulu lg..oke...
farah min maaf farah x kan mndelete belog nii..sebb dye ni belog petama farah yg farah syg sgt..kt dlm ni bnyk kngn yg farah tulis..and farah sayg belog nii...kt belog nii jgk ada kngn farah besama budak 3 amanah yg pling farah sayg..andd soryy sesgt yee..but no worry,, farah ada belog bru yg akan sntiasa farah aktif kan... if korg nk visit belog bru tuu tkan kt SINI tp bila da lwt tuu,jgn lupa follo yee....and if korg nk tauu, belog ni dulu pena koma..dye eksiden mse nk dpt background yg bru..mse tu belog ni da cedera parah,dye da rosakk...huhu..tu yg farah bwt bel0g bru mse tuu..soo farah minx maaf HAPPIEST THING EVER, i will never and ever forget u..and i heart u soo muchh...u will alwayzz in my heart......

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Epi eid evribadi B-)

Asalamualaikum semuahnyarh..
1st of all i juz wana say i am truly sory to all of u that i hve ever known if i did sumtin wrong 2 ya and 2 my beloved old frens FARAH HANI , i hve read yr post and i miss u 2 wif all my heart. Til now then, bai2. :'(

Sunday, August 22, 2010

trial is already gonee forevahh yg aq mrepek niy..just likee i said trial is already gonee from my life just noww..syukur alhamdulillah sume kertas bejaya tak tauu btol ke x [ape la yg akn aq dpt nnti]....andd slmt berpuasa wat sluruh umat islam seduniaa...wat mase niy kalo bole aq na stop mnulis kt blog coz pmr na dkt andd tade mase utk mlyn benda alah niy...korg na tauu kisah slanjutnya dr aq? tggu pmr abes..insyaallah aq akn sntiasa mnulis kisah dr aq ok? korang2 sume doakan aq bejaya dpt straight a utk pmr ehh? aminn...

p/s : mesti korg na tauu knpe aq ta ckp bi kan? sbnrnye nk cube yg belainan sket utk post kli ni...

Friday, August 6, 2010

surprise partyy!


guest what..just now around 11 o'clock our class of 3 amanah doing a surprise partayy for adila and fatin..its for their is adila's bufdayy but nott fatin..we just do it for fatin too bcoz her birthday is coming soon on 14 august i get started when adila and fatin get back to the class...u know when we started saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY, adila started to dropping her tears..haha!i like it because they appreciate what we're doing ..andd yeah it was soo funn...andd kebetuln tu time seni PN LATIFAH x de...soo all of us enjoy-ing like a bomb!! chahahah...act surprise party tu khalidah,nisa,tun andd somebody else yg rncng aq ikot aje...soo thiss is a little bit from me for today..buhbye..

p/s : happy birthday adila!!happy birthday fatin!!!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

amanah vs mumtazz

amacam tjuk aq?
is it fine to u? if it not so okay 2 u,u may get off from thiss little post!!
okay firstly,arini ade plwnn bola jaring and bola sepak utk klas 3 amanah and 3's for bulan pjk kott kalu x salah laa...hahah.and absolutely aq ta maen..
cume nisa,tun,hanisah,fazrina,intan,hana,zakirah,zhahirin and sape tah lg yg wakil klas 3 amanah...just tu yg aq ngn nabihah ta maen..
and after the game started,nabihah yg pd awlnye ngn aq yg x tukr baju ni kononnye nk bce buku tros x jd..sbb nk besorak utk klass kitorg...but yg klaka nyee,nabihah aq tgk smngt gilak..da ala-ala coach gitu..dye bediri btol2 kt tpi garisan..if u see her reaction sure u'll laugh at her... >v< ...andd guest what the total score that we get? *starting to laughing again* kitorg dpt 0,mumtaz menang..kitorg menang jugk tp MENANGgung kekalahan...hahah!!nisa,tun,kalau korg bce ape yg aq tulis niy jgn la marah plak ye..bola sepak pon sme bdk laki MENANGgung kekalhn yg amt berbisa...hah..kitorg da mmg adat dri thun lps lg kitorg x bole dipisahkn..kalau bdk pmpuan kalah mesti bdk laki pon kala..bak kate pepatah shidop smati the boys of 3 amanah pls dont be mad at me for writing thiss crap postt okay?..

p/s: bdk pompuan yg ta main calon2nya adlh:-
aku,nabihah,putri alissa,khalidah,putri n.s.,fatin a.,d-la,sakinah,izsazsa,nadia
and moree...
xoxx violet

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


ape nak jadi nii??
trial da nk dkt 2 minggu lg pon x smpi dah..
16 ogos dgn rsminye trial sekolah aku start..
huhuhu..da la result krk julai yg paling terok..
2 a jee??? tp agame blom buat lg..
huhu..korng doakn aq dpt 8 a pmr eh?
mati lah aq..
ohoh!! hari khamis lepas kakak aq msok hospital psl btu karang andd ade ktumbuhan ovari tp dye da klua...harini pulakk adek lelaki aq plak msok hspitl psl asma dye tu..
its all happen with suddenly...huhuhu...
duadua msok kt smc @ name bru hsptl tu KPJ SELANGOR kalau x salah..
da la tu buhbai mlm ni tido sorg la kott..

Saturday, July 17, 2010


today i just going online-ing mys,fb,blogger,ym and frndstr..i dont have the other kind of online-ing thingy except for those that i hve type in one onlyne today.. T_T ....all of them online tghtgh pagi bute do u know that?aq n on9 pgi2? soosory!my mom x ksi okay..soo wa chow dulu yeeee....
xoxx violet online-ing